Ornamental Life foi o projeto final de graduação da EBAC que consistiu em um protesto contra um design gráfico minimalista e racionalista, uma cultura urbana que nos separou de nossos lados instintivos e intuitivos. Dessa forma, através da ideia de uma arte “erótica” - em sentindo, curvas, cores, simbolismos espiritualidade - trago de volta minhas inspiraões no Arts and Crafts de William Morris, o Art Nouveau, a arte gótica e medievalista na ornamentação como meio de comunicação por empatia. O principal objetivo era que as pessoas simplesmente entrassem e sentissem algo que extrapola a necessidade de uma função e existe apenas par ser bela, colocando nós em um estado de virtude que pode ser atingido apenas ao contemplar a natureza. E como característico dos movimentos romântico que serviram de pesquisa, conectei os ornamento à minha própria noção do divino que vem dos elementos que regem o planeta: o fogo, a terra, a água e o ar. Em uma nova era obcecada com a tecnologia, a tenda também serve para por em questão um design mais interdisciplinar, pegando de áreas como as artes visuais e a literatura, por exemplo, para questionar até onde podemos levar essa profissão. Acredito que fora do papel.
A cenografia gráfica ficou aberta na exposição dos alunos DESVIEW em 03-06/02 de 2022 na EBAC.
-1 tenda 2,5x2,5m com 4 estampas impressas em sublimação e teto costurados à maquina;
-6 símbolos mágicos em xilogravura;
-7 ornamentos em tinta;
-6 fundos em giz pastel
Ornamental Life was the graduation project of the BA(hons) Graphic Design of Hertfordshire University and consisted in a protest against minimalism and rationalism, an urban culture that separeted us from out instinctive and intuitive sides. Through an idea of “erotic” art - in narrative, colours, symbolism, curves and spirituality - I brought my inspirations in the Arts and Crafts movement, Art Nouveau, gothic and medieval architecture in ornamentation as a way of communicating using empathy. The main objective of the tent was simply for people to go in and be admired by beauty that doensn’t need a function, putting the person in a state of virtue that can only be reached when surrounded by nature. And because these romantic movements that served as base for my research, I conected the ornaments to my own idea of the divine: the elements earth, water, fire and air. In a time obsessed with technology, the tent also questions if graphic design shouldn’t be more interdisciplinary, connected with visual arts or literature, for instance, in a future that is more than logos and grids.
-1 tent 2,5x2,5m with 4 elemental patterns sewn together and printed with sublimation;
-6 magic symbols in woodcut;
-7 ink ornaments;
-6 backgrounds in pastel chalk.
A cenografia gráfica ficou aberta na exposição dos alunos DESVIEW em 03-06/02 de 2022 na EBAC.
-1 tenda 2,5x2,5m com 4 estampas impressas em sublimação e teto costurados à maquina;
-6 símbolos mágicos em xilogravura;
-7 ornamentos em tinta;
-6 fundos em giz pastel
Ornamental Life was the graduation project of the BA(hons) Graphic Design of Hertfordshire University and consisted in a protest against minimalism and rationalism, an urban culture that separeted us from out instinctive and intuitive sides. Through an idea of “erotic” art - in narrative, colours, symbolism, curves and spirituality - I brought my inspirations in the Arts and Crafts movement, Art Nouveau, gothic and medieval architecture in ornamentation as a way of communicating using empathy. The main objective of the tent was simply for people to go in and be admired by beauty that doensn’t need a function, putting the person in a state of virtue that can only be reached when surrounded by nature. And because these romantic movements that served as base for my research, I conected the ornaments to my own idea of the divine: the elements earth, water, fire and air. In a time obsessed with technology, the tent also questions if graphic design shouldn’t be more interdisciplinary, connected with visual arts or literature, for instance, in a future that is more than logos and grids.
-1 tent 2,5x2,5m with 4 elemental patterns sewn together and printed with sublimation;
-6 magic symbols in woodcut;
-7 ink ornaments;
-6 backgrounds in pastel chalk.